Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress... James 1:27


Miles to China Fundraiser

Miles to China

Miles to China
$5 sponsors 10 miles

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So it has been almost a month since this leap of faith began.  As I was reminded by a dear friend yesterday, He who has called you is faithful and HE WILL DO IT!  God is indeed doing it and I stand in awe of his goodness and faithfulness. 

There have been a few questions so I thought I would take the opportunity to answer some of them. 

So in no particular order, I give you the To China By Faith FAQ's

Who are you traveling with?
I am traveling with Lifeline Children's Services - specifically their (Un)adopted ministry.  (Un)adopted is a ministry that cares for orphans around the world.  The plan is for me to be on a team that is made up of a doctor, a nurse (me), a therapist, a teacher, a photographer and a couple of general volunteers.  The team is still being put together.  Please pray that God would bring just the right people together to travel on this trip to China. 

Where in China will you be traveling?
I don't have an exact itinerary yet.  I do, however, know that I will be in the Guangdong province which is the southern part of China.  It is my understanding that we will be traveling around that province to different orphanages that Lifeline partners with.

So, do you think you will adopt?  
While I have learned never to say never, at this time neither John nor I feel that call for our family.  We do have the greatest respect and admiration for the dear family and friends we know who have added to their families through adoption. 

But won't it be hard to see all those children in need of families?
Yes, absolutely!  I would be heartless if visiting orphans didn't tug at my heart.  I feel so incredibly grateful that I have the opportunity to visit so many orphans, to care for them, and for the short time that I am with them give them the love of a mommy and more importantly, Jesus.  I also feel very honored that I can help add assessment information to each of these kids' files.  Having been on "this side" of adoption with family and friends, I know how important any and all information is when a family is evaluating and praying about if this particular child is the one God has for them.  I am SO excited to be able to travel to China and personally help prospective families have all the pertinent information they need as they make such an important decision.  

How is your fundraising going?
It is going really well.  God is providing in amazing ways.  I am over half way to the total amount needed.  I am so grateful!

What are you most anxious about right now?
Honestly, the thing I am MOST anxious about right now is where I will sit on the airplane.  I know...there are so many other things that I should be focused on, even maybe anxious about.  But right now, in this moment, where I sit on the plane is it.  I love the idea of flying but actually doing it always makes me nervous. (Ask my mom how she basically held my hand the whole flight home from Ghana four years ago)  The thought of sitting in that middle section - that group of five seats in the center - on an international flight makes me really anxious.

Just keeping it real!!

Thanks for continuing to pray and support me as I take this leap of faith!


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